Film – Jaunt Transforming Reality Mon, 30 Sep 2019 15:08:16 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Film – Jaunt 32 32 Reminder Virtual Reality: Talking With the Creators of Moderat’s Animated VR Music Video Mon, 23 Oct 2017 19:23:23 +0000 Read more]]> Moderat’s music video for “Reminder” is an animated virtual reality experience. Moderat’s single “Reminder” was released in full effect early last year, but their ground-breaking music video is now coming to the Jaunt VR platform. This animated visual experience follows a rebellious teenager who harvests crystals in a dystopian landscape. His wares are then brought to a mystical deity who resides...


Dancing in the Woods with “Brume” Thu, 12 Oct 2017 22:07:51 +0000 Read more]]> The cast of Brume from one of the final shots of the film. Our interview with director and choreographer Mallory Rosenthal about the 360 experience, Brume, highlights the challenges of dancing in the rain. We love talking about art and even more so when we can turn you on to something a little bit different than what we usually see. Welcome to Brume, the experimental dance film by Mallory...


Reliving the LA Riots in 360 Thu, 14 Sep 2017 22:10:08 +0000 Read more]]> This year marks the 25th anniversary of the Los Angeles riots. Sparked by the acquittal of 4 LAPD officers in the beating of Rodney King after a traffic stop, the city was in turmoil for almost a week as the rest of the world watched. To commemorate the anniversary as this divisive event in American culture, the production duo from Sleepy Puppies, Molly Gale and Jancarlo Beck...


Going Out of Body with “haunt” and Director Lilian Mehrel Thu, 07 Sep 2017 21:17:51 +0000 Read more]]> You know how sometimes you meet people and wonder where they have the time to make it all happen? In writer & director Lilian Mehrel’s case, she makes time. Ahead of the release of her second immersive film, haunt, we asked her how she made her latest project on a tight budget over a weekend while working on her MFA, what is next, and how to find the perfect shot in a gazebo.


What’s the Best Thing About VR? Knowing Nothing Tue, 29 Aug 2017 18:00:32 +0000 Read more]]> Rose Colored director Adam Cosco. Our interview with director Adam Cosco and Vincent Edwards from Invar Studios discusses the film Rose Colored and why making boring VR isn’t fun. Rose Colored, our latest piece of VR episodic content to come to the Jaunt VR App, is an introspective sci-fi series that poses an interesting question: How does technology alter our perception of reality and how does...


The Jaunt VR Lounge at the Sundance Film Festival Thu, 19 Jan 2017 00:43:02 +0000 Read more]]> Virtual reality will be a predominate theme at the 2017 Sundance Film Festival. As an official Sundance sponsor, Jaunt will be hosting a VR lounge throughout the festival in Park City, including a series of content debuts and VR production workshops. See below for a complete schedule, content lineup and resources for VR filmmakers: Visit The Jaunt VR LoungeOpen daily from 10:30am-5:

