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Introducing Jaunt XR Cast

XR Cast is the leading portable volumetric capture solution to capture and publish humans in AR.

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Portable Capture Stage

Our capture stage has a small footprint and is highly portable, designed for on-location capture—no need to travel to a massive capture studio or wait hours or days for video to process. The portable technology means we can capture your talent or consumers wherever they are and create volumetric video in real time.

Real-time Processing

XR Cast uses proprietary technology enabling real-time Image processing Temporal and spatial refinements create high quality 3D volumetric AR video.

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Cross-Platform Publishing Solutions

No, you don’t need a headset! You can watch our AR content with your mobile device. Using the latest AR technology embedded in mobile devices, we can publish our assets to the mobile web, inside an AR-enabled app or to social media.

How We Transform Real to Augmented Reality

Voxelization > Meshing > Texturing A voxel is defined as a volumetric pixel. Where a pixel represents the smallest spatial division (X-Y) in a digital photograph, a “voxel” can be thought of the smallest representation of space (X-Y-Z) in a digital 3D scene. Our voxelization process registers independent point-cloud outputs from multiple different depth sensors into one common 3D scene.
Voxelization > Meshing > Texturing Once the voxelization process is complete, we generate a 3D mesh of our captured subject. Meshes are commonly used in video games to represent 3D objects and use a collection of vertices, edges and faces to allow us to maintain the highest fidelity during the compression process.
Voxelization > Meshing > Texturing The mesh is then painted or "textured" with the color images from high-resolution video cameras that surround our subject. The location and orientation of each each video camera must be known with a high level of precision in order for the subjects texture to appear properly aligned to the mesh. Our intelligent algorithms determine which color camera best represents each mesh face to avoid common problems like occlusions or obstructions in the image. This process transforms our geometric meshes into recognizable 3D humans with all the rich detail and nuance that makes these assets come to life.

Cross Platform Delivery, No Headset Required

Unlike other solutions out there, our algorithms are specifically tuned to run in real-time on a single commercially available PC, maintain the highest fidelity possible and minimize bandwidth requirements to enable live-streaming of volumetric content to mobile devices.

Case Study: AT&T 5G Activation

We partnered with AT&T to demonstrate the power of 5G with XR Cast at Atlanta’s Mercedes-Benz stadium as the Falcons went up against the Dallas Cowboys.